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中文关键词: 脑卒中  社区  康复  脑损伤社区康复结果量表
英文关键词: Stroke  Community  Rehabilitation  Brain injury community rehabilitation outcome scales (BICRO-39 scales)
陈君,颜骅,李泽兵,林岳军,王青青,陈冬冬 200032上海复旦大学附属中山医院康复医学科(陈 
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      目的了解目前在社区中生活的脑卒中患者的功能状况。 方法评定脑卒中患者住院康复治疗时的功能状况,并用邮寄BICRO-39问卷调查表的方法对出院后在社区生活的脑卒中患者的功能状况进行调查分析。 结果患者年龄与社区生活时的BICRO-39总分、自理分、自我处理事务能力分、移动能力分、家庭交往分和职业分都有显著的正相关(P<0.01);患者住院康复治疗后出院时的STREAM分、MBI分、Fugl-Meyer平衡分与BICRO-39总分、自理分、心理分、自我处理事务能力分、移动能力分均有显著的负相关(P<0.05);BICRO-39量表的7个方面中,除社交和家庭交往外,其余各方面间都有显著的正相关(P<0.05);73.50%的患者愿意进一步治疗。 结论出院前的功能评定可以预测患者出院后在社区的生活质量;社区脑卒中患者年龄越大,相对其功能状况越差,进行社区康复时应注意年龄因素。社区脑卒中患者需进一步进行社区康复教育治疗。从医疗、教学、宣教、科研等多方面来加强三级医院康复医学科与社区卫生服务中心间的合作。
      Objective To investigate the function of stroke patients living in the community. MethodsA survey was made by mailing the BICRO-39 scale questionnaire to 255 community-dwelling stroke adults. A correlation analysis was then made between the scores obtained from the survey and the functional status of them as assessed by use of the stroke rehabilitation assessment of movement(STREAM), modified Barthel index (MBI) and Fugl-Meyer balance before the patients were discharged from the hospital. ResultsThe response rate for the mailed BICRO-39 scales was 55.29%. Age of patients was positively correlated to BICRO-39 total score, personal care, self-organization, mobility, family contact, and productive employment, respectively (P<0.01). The STREAM score, MBI score and Fugl-Meyer balance score were negatively correlated to BICRO-39 total score, personal care, psychological, self-organization and mobility, respectively (P<0.05). Mobility is highly correlated with self-organization, and both are moderately or highly correlated with personal care (P<0.01). 73.50% of the patients reported to need community rehabilitation. ConclusionAge correlated with the functional status of community-dwelling adults with stroke. Many of the dependent survivors have ongoing community rehabilitation needs. The functional assessment of stroke patients before hospital discharge can be used to help predict follow-up living status.
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