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中文关键词: 下肢截肢  残肢  残端  假肢
英文关键词: Lower limb amputation  Residual limb  Stump  Prosthetic
陆廷仁,张少军 200025上海上海第二医科大学附属瑞金医院康复医学科(陆廷仁)北京假肢厂(张少军) 
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      目的分析下肢截肢后不良残肢发生的原因,并介绍其临床处理方法。 方法对109例下肢截肢者(共计110个残肢)进行评定,评定内容包括:残肢皮肤软组织状况、长度、形状、关节活动度、肌力、幻肢痛、残肢痛等,然后对不良残肢进行相应的理疗、体疗或手术处理。 结果本组合格残肢64肢(占58%),不合格残肢46肢(占42%)。不合格残肢主要表现为:残端形状不规则20肢,短残肢18肢,残端不稳定瘢痕伴感染13肢,残端肿胀及臃肿14肢,关节屈曲挛缩畸形18肢,神经瘤2肢,经理疗、体疗或手术处理后,均达到装配假肢的条件。 结论对不良残肢要进行对症处理,使之能装配或穿戴假肢。由于假肢技术的不断改进,现在残肢的长度不再是影响假肢装配的主要原因,而残端皮肤软组织的条件已成为影响假肢装配的主要因素。
      Objective To analyze the cause of poor stumps and to introduce the methods of treatment, so that the rate of poor stump would be decreased. MethodsWe evaluate 109 cases of lower limb amputees with a total of 110 residual limbs. Evaluation content included: Skin (scars, dermatitis, folliculitis, open wounds, tactile and pain sensation); characteristics of residual limb shape (conical, bulbous, edematous cylindrical); strength of the stump; range of motion of the residual limb; muscle tone; strength of the stump and phantom pain. ResultsForty-six cases out of 110 are unqualified. All poor stumps can be fit with the prosthetic through rehabilitation care. ConclusionPoor stumps are those unsuitable for fitting of the prosthetic. Special treatments are required to fit them with prosthetic. Because of the improvement of the prosthetic technology, length of the residual limb is no longer the main obstruction for fitting prosthetic. Instead the skin soft tissue condition of the stump is becoming the main reason of failure in fitting the prosthetic.
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