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中文关键词: 磁疗  脑出血  安全性和作用  
英文关键词: Magnetotherapy  Cerebral hemorrhage  Safety and effect  Rabbit
谢青,郭云琴 200025上海上海第二医科大学附属瑞金医院康复科(谢青)解放军总医院理疗科(郭云琴) 
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      目的探讨磁场治疗对实验性脑出血的治疗作用和安全性。 方法实验一:50只大耳白兔被钩破大脑中动脉以建立脑出血模型。用CT扫描和解剖的方法观察脑出血的情况。实验二:45只大耳白兔随机分为0.4 T组、0.8 T组和对照组,每组15只。每只白兔均采用实验一的方法建成脑出血模型。磁疗前CT扫描观察出血情况,磁疗后CT扫描观察血肿吸收情况。 结果实验一:50只大耳白兔大脑中动脉钩破术后均出现对侧后下肢无力,肌张力降低,回缩反射减弱或消失。CT和解剖证实有脑出血。实验二:45只大耳白兔均成功建成脑出血模型。磁疗前CT扫描3组之间脑出血差异无显著性意义(P>0.05);磁疗后CT扫描2磁疗组之间血肿吸收差异无显著性意义(P>0.05),与对照组比较血肿吸收差异有显著性意义(P<0.01)。 结论用钩破兔大脑中动脉的方法可建立脑出血动物模型。磁场治疗可促进实验性白兔脑出血的血肿吸收,且不产生继发性脑出血。
      Objective To observe the safety and effect of magnetotherapy on rabbits with cerebral hemorrhage. MethodsFifty rabbits was used to establish the model of cerebral hemorrhage by perforating the mid-artery of brain. CT and dissection were used to observe the hemorrhage. Forty-five rabbits were divided into control group, 0.4T magnetic group and 0.8T magnetic group. Observation of the hemorrhage before magnetotherapy and the hemorrhagic absorption after magnetotherapy was conducted with CT scan. ResultsAll of the 50 rabbits manifested such symptoms as weakness, low tension, and low or absent reflex on the contralateral hind limb of the operation side. Cerebral hemorrhage was proved by CT scan and dissection. There was no difference in hemorrhage between magnetotherapy and control group before magnetotherapy. After magnetotherapy, there was significant difference between the magnetotherapy and the control groups, with regard to the hemorrhagic absorption, but no difference between the 0.4T and 0.8T groups was observed. ConclusionMagnetotherapy could improve the intracranial hemorrhagic absorption in rabbit without resulting in secondary hemorrhage.
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