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中文关键词: 脑梗死  抑郁  经颅微电流刺激  心理干预
英文关键词: Depression  Cranial electrotherapy  Stimulation  Psychological interventions
王晓菊,夏鹏,林强,程凯,陈安亮,杨婷,李雪萍 210006南京南京医科大学附属南京医院(南京市第一医院)康复医学科 
摘要点击次数: 1943
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      目的 探讨经颅微电流刺激治疗(CES)联合心理干预对脑梗死后抑郁的影响。 方法 采用随机数字表法将80例脑梗死后抑郁患者分为治疗组和对照组,每组40例。2组患者均给予常规康复训练和心理干预,治疗组在此基础上辅以CES。治疗前、治疗4周后,采用汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)、简易精神状态量表(MMSE)及Barthel指数(BI)评分对2组患者进行疗效评定。 结果 治疗前,2组患者HAMD、MMSE及BI评分之间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。治疗4周后,2组患者HAMD、MMSE及BI评分均较组内治疗前改善,且治疗组HAMD[(11.91±4.34)分]、MMSE[(25.54±1.49)分]及BI评分[(65.19±5.28)分]优于对照组HAMD[(14.76±3.43)分]、MMSE[(22.79±1.38)分]及BI评分[(60.88±6.67)分],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗4周后,治疗组总显效率(70.0%)高于对照组总显效率(37.5%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 CES联合心理干预能明显改善脑梗死后抑郁患者的抑郁症状及认知功能,对提高患者日常生活活动(ADL)能力具有重要作用。
      Objective To evaluate the effects of cranial electrotherapy stimulation therapy combined with psychological intervention for treating depression after cerebral infarction. Methods Eighty persons diagnosed with depression after cerebral infarction were divided randomly into a treatment group and a control group. Both groups were given routine rehabilitation training and psychological intervention, but the treatment group also received micro-current transcranial electrical stimulation treatment. All the patients were evaluated with Hamilton′s depression scale (HAMD) and the mini-mental state exam (MMSE) and given Barthel index (BI) scores before and after 4 weeks of treatment. Results There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in terms of any of the measures before treatment. After 4 weeks of treatment, both groups had improved significantly, but the improvements on all measures were significantly better in the treatment group. Conclusion Cranial electrotherapy combined with psychological intervention can significantly improve symptoms of depression and cognitive function in patients with post-stroke depression, and play an important role in improving their daily life.
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