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中文关键词: 心肺转流术  紫外线照射充氧自体血  心肌保护  线粒体
英文关键词: Cardiopulmonary bypass  Ultraviolet blood irradiation and oxygenation  Myocardial protection  Mitochondrion
周涛,秦国伟,向道康 550002贵阳贵州省人民医院心脏外科(周涛、向道康)广西壮族自治区人民医院心电诊断科(秦国伟) 
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      目的 研究紫外线照射充氧自体血(UBIO)心脏停搏液对犬体外循环(CPB)心内直视手术时心肌线粒体的影响。 方法 选取20只雄性杂交犬,按随机数字表法将其分为对照组和UBIO心脏停搏液组(UBIO组),每组10只。建立犬CPB心内直视手术模型,CPB中对照组使用普通含血心脏停搏液,实验组采用UBIO心脏停搏液。在阻断升主动脉前和开放升主动脉后,分别从冠状静脉窦取血,检测血清心肌肌钙蛋白I(cTnI)和肌酸激酶同工酶(CK-MB)水平。在打开和关闭右心房时,分别取右心房组织标本,采用化学比色法检测组织匀浆线粒体超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量,同时测定心肌线粒体膨胀度。 结果 阻断升主动脉前,2组犬cTnI、CK-MB含量之间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在开放升主动脉后,对照组cTnI、CK-MB含量高于UBIO组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。打开右心房时,2组犬心肌组织匀浆SOD活性、GSH-Px活性和MDA含量之间比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。关闭右心房时,2组犬心肌组织匀浆SOD活性、GSH-Px活性低于打开右心房时的SOD活性、GSH-Px活性(P<0.05)。2组犬关闭右心房时的MDA含量均高于组内打开右心房时的MDA含量(P<0.05)。关闭右心房时,UBIO组心肌组织匀浆SOD活性[(34.1±5.1)KNU/g]、GSH-Px活性[(44.2±7.4)kat/g]高于对照组SOD活性[(20.5±4.3)KNU/g]、GSH-Px活性[(32.7±6.3)kat/g],MDA含量[(6.9±1.2)mol/L]低于对照组[(9.5±1.9)mol/L](P<0.05)。UBIO组线粒体膨胀度改变较小。 结论 CPB心内直视手术时存在心肌线粒体清除氧自由基能力下降及线粒体本身脂质过氧化反应,UBIO心脏停搏液可以保持线粒体清除氧自由基的能力,并减轻线粒体本身的受攻击程度,较好地维持线粒体结构与功能,减轻心肌损伤。
      Objective To investigate the effect of cardioplegia solution of autologous blood treated with ultraviolet irradiation and oxygenation (UBIO) on myocardial mitochondrion in mongrel dogs underwent open heart surgery under cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). Methods Twenty male mongrel dogs were randomly divided into a control group and a UBIO group, 10 dogs in each group. The UBIO group was infused with UBIO blood as the cardiac arresting solution via the ascending aorta, while the control group was given the same treatment except that the cardiac arresting solution was blood cardioplegia. Blood samples were taken from coronary venous sinus before cross-clamping and after aorta declamping to measure the levels of cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and creatinine kinase MB isozyme (CK-MB). For both groups, right atrial myocardial tissue samples were taken to detect the activity of myocardial mitochondrion superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX), and concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA) when the right atrium was opened and closed. Results In both groups, the average levels of SOD and GSH-PX were decreased during CPB, and the decrease of SOD and GSH-PX were to a significantly larger extent in UBIO group (P<0.05). The concentrations of cTnI, CK-MB, and MDA in the control group were increased significantly higher than those in the UBIO group (P<0.05). Conclusion The attenuated lipid peroxidation of myocardial mitochondria plays an important role in myocardial protection by UBIO as cardioplegia solution in open heart surgery under CPB.
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