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中文关键词: 语音障碍  辅音  错误模式  短时记忆
英文关键词: Speech sound disorders  Consonants  Error patterns  Short-term memory
林珍萍 广东暨南大学附属第一医院康复医学科广州 510630 
陈卓铭 广东暨南大学附属第一医院康复医学科广州 510630 
李丹 广东暨南大学附属第一医院康复医学科广州 510630 
李钰嫦 广东暨南大学附属第一医院康复医学科广州 510630 
梁振文 广东暨南大学附属第一医院康复医学科广州 510630 
黄裕恩 广东暨南大学附属第一医院康复医学科广州 510630 
罗文姬 广东暨南大学附属第一医院康复医学科广州 510630 
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      目的 观察音素和词汇水平上发育性语音障碍儿童错误辅音的特点,探讨与短时记忆的相关机制。 方法 选取符合纳入标准的36例发育性语音障碍儿童进行音素水平和词汇水平的辅音发音评估,按随机数字表法选取其中12例患儿作为发育性语音障碍组,另选10例健康儿童作为健康组,分别对2组儿童进行短时记忆评估。观察音素水平和词汇水平两种水平上36例发育性语音障碍儿童辅音发音的错误类型和错误率,分析不同发音水平与短时记忆的相关性。 结果 发育性语音障碍儿童在音素水平和词汇水平不同发音部位(唇音、舌尖前音、舌尖中音、舌尖后音、舌根音、舌面音)辅音的发音错误个数不同,其中舌尖中音、舌尖后音和舌根音差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。而音素水平和词汇水平两种发音水平上患儿不同发音部位的错误率亦不相同,在音素水平上,替代性错误较高的是舌尖前音(42.86%)和舌尖中音(32.14%),歪曲性错误较高的是舌尖后音(14.29 %),省略性的错误率均较低,未习得率较高的是舌面音(9.52%);在词汇水平上,替代性错误较高的是舌尖前音(71.43%)和舌尖后音(64.29%),歪曲性错误较高的是舌尖前音(19.05%)和舌面音(30.95%),省略性错误较高的是舌尖中音(16.07%),未习得率较高的是舌尖后音(5.36%);其中舌尖前音、舌尖后音的替代率以及舌尖中音的省略率在音素水平和词汇水平之间的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。发育性语音障碍组儿童的短时记忆广度和工作记忆广度分值均低于健康组,Wilcoxon秩和检验显示,2组儿童的短时记忆广度差异有统计学意义(Z=2.018,P=0.044),工作记忆广度差异无统计学意义(Z=0.559,P=0.576)。2组儿童的发音水平与短时记忆广度呈中度相关(r=0.523,P<0.05),与工作记忆广度无明显相关性(r=0.264,P>0.05)。 结论 发育性语音障碍儿童在词汇水平的辅音发音(舌尖中音、舌尖后音和舌根音)错误高于音素水平,以舌尖前音、舌尖后音的替代性错误和舌尖中音的省略性错误为主,可能与短时记忆广度有关。
      Objective To observe the pronunciation of consonants among children with developmental speech sound disorder and explore the correlation between mispronounced consonants and short-term memory so as to determine the pathogenesis of the disorder. Methods Thirty-six children with developmental speech sound disorder and aged 4 to 13 years were evaluated. Their pronunciation of consonants at the phoneme and lexical levels was tested to record the error types and error rate. Twelve of the children were then randomly chosen to form a voice disorder group. Another 10 healthy counterparts constituted a control group. The short-term memory of both groups was assessed and any correlation between pronunciation and short-term memory was analyzed. Results The children with a developmental speech sound disorder differed significantly from the controls in terms of the numbers of errors in articulating blade-alveolar, blade-palatal and velar consonants. On the phoneme level, the highest substitution error rate occurred when pronouncing lingua-palatal consonants (42.86%), followed by supradental consonants (32%). The highest distortion and non-acquisition error rates were with blade-palatal consonants (14%) and lingua-palatal consonants (9.5%). On the vocabulary level, the highest substitution, distortion, ellipsis and non-acquisition error rates appeared when pronouncing lingua-palatal and velar consonants, velar and blade-palatal consonants, supradental consonants as well as blade-palatal consonants. Significant differences were found between the phoneme and lexical levels in the substitution of supradental and blade-palatal consonants as well as in the ellipsis of blade-alveolar consonants. They were moderately associated with pronunciation level. There was, however, no significant difference in working memory span between the two groups, and no significant correlation was observed between working memory span and pronunciation level. Conclusion The mispronunciation of consonants by children with developmental speech disorders is higher at the lexical than at the phoneme level. They mainly substitute lingua-palatal and velar consonants and elide supradental consonants, which may be related to short-term memory span.
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