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The effects of radiofrequency heating on type II collagen formation in the osteoarthritic knee
中文关键词: 膝骨关节炎  射频热疗  Ⅱ型胶原  实验兔
英文关键词: Osteoarthritis  Radiofrequency irradiation  Hyperthermia  Type II collagen  Rabbits
傅照华,赵娇娇,张飞,武永飞,曹青青,孔娇,周春娟 014010 包头内蒙古医科大学第三附属医院(内蒙古包钢医院)康复医学科(傅照华、武永飞、孔娇)骨科(张飞)内蒙古医科大学(赵娇娇、曹青青、周春娟) 
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      目的 探讨射频热疗对兔膝骨关节炎形成过程中Ⅱ型胶原表达的影响。 方法 选取雄性家兔54只,采用改良Hulth造模法将其右后肢制成实验性膝关节骨关节炎模型。待造模成功后,将上述实验兔随机分为模型组、鹿瓜多肽组及射频热疗组。鹿瓜多肽组于制模后给予鹿瓜多肽肌肉注射,射频热疗组于制模后给予射频热疗治疗,模型组制模后未给予特殊处理。于治疗7d、13d及19d时每组分别取6只实验兔处死,取右侧股骨内侧髁软骨,采用改良Mankins评分对其进行形态学评分;同时采用实时定量PCR技术检测各组实验兔右侧股骨内侧髁软骨组织Ⅱ型胶原含量。 结果 经相同天数治疗后,发现模型组、鹿瓜多肽组及射频热疗组右侧股骨内侧髁软骨Mankins评分依次降低,软骨组织Ⅱ型胶原含量依次增高,组间差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。射频热疗组随着治疗时间延长,其Mankins评分逐渐降低,软骨组织中Ⅱ型胶原含量逐渐增高,各时间点间差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 射频热疗治疗兔膝骨关节炎的疗效明显优于鹿瓜多肽,其治疗机制可能与显著增加软骨中Ⅱ型胶原含量有关。
      Objective To explore the effect of radiofrequency heating on type II collagen expression in a rabbit model of osteoarthritis. Methods Knee osteoarthritis was induced in the right hind legs of 54 male rabbits using modified Hulth modeling. The rabbits were randomly divided into a model group which was not given any special treatment, a Lugua polypeptide group and a radiofrequency hyperthermia group. The Lugua polypeptide group was injected with Lugua polypeptide; the radiofrequency hyperthermia group was treated with radiofrequency irradiation. Six, 12 and 18 days after the treatment, the morphological condition of the rats′ right femoral medial condyle cartilages were evaluated using modified Mankins scoring and the type II collagen content of the cartilage was detected using a quantitative PCR technique. Results At the same time points after treatment, the average Mankins scores were decreased in all the 3 groups, with that of the model group was significantly higher than those of both of the other groups, and the radiofrequency hyperthermia group′s average score was significantly better than that of the Lugua polypeptide group. The average type II collagen content was significantly increased in all the 3 groups to various extent (the radiofrequency hyperthermia group > Lugua polypeptide group > model group) . For the radiofrequency hyperthermia group, the average Mankins score decreased significantly and the average type II collagen content increased significantly as the treatment continued. Conclusion Radiofrequency hyperthermia is superior to Lugua polypeptide for treating knee osteoarthritis, at least in rabbits. Its therapeutic effectiveness may be related to a significant increase of type II collagen in the cartilage.
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