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中文关键词: 功能性电刺激  踝足矫形器  脑卒中  足下垂  足内翻  步态
英文关键词: Functional electrical stimulation  Ankle-foot orthosis  Stroke  Foot drop  Varus foot  Gait
苏婷婷 温州医科大学附属第二医院康复医学中心, 温州 325027 
黄倩倩 温州医科大学附属第二医院康复医学中心, 温州 325027 
金韵 温州医科大学附属第二医院康复医学中心, 温州 325027 
陈晓勇 温州医科大学附属第二医院康复医学中心, 温州 325027 
王锡祥 温州医科大学附属第二医院康复医学中心, 温州 325027 
林海燕 温州医科大学智能康复国际联盟 温州 325027
温州医科大学附属第二医院康复医学中心, 温州 325027 
蒋松鹤 温州医科大学智能康复国际联盟 温州 325027
温州医科大学附属第二医院康复医学中心, 温州 325027 
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      目的 观察功能性电刺激同步踝足矫形器步态训练对脑卒中后偏瘫患者下肢运动功能、步态时-空参数和关节角度参数的影响。 方法 将符合入选标准的脑卒中患者32例随机分为对照组(n=10)、支具组(n=10)和联合组(n=12)。3组患者均接受常规药物治疗和常规康复训练,对照组在此基础上增加步态训练,支具组则增加佩戴AFO行步态训练,联合组在常规药物和常规康复训练的基础上增加FES治疗,且在FES治疗的同时佩戴AFO行步态训练。3组患者均接受为期4周的治疗,并于治疗前和治疗4周后(治疗后)采用下肢Fugl-Meyer评定量表(FMA-LE)、下肢Brunnstrom运动恢复分期量表(BRL)、步行功能评定表(FAC)对其下肢运动功能和步行能力进行评估,同时使用三维步态分析仪获取3组患者步态参数,比较其治疗前、后偏瘫步态的变化。 结果 治疗4周后,3组患者的FMA-LE、FAC、BRL评分、时-空参数和各关节最大屈曲角度较组内治疗前均显著改善,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗后,联合组患者的FMA-LE评分[(28.42±1.38)分]、FAC评分[(4.33±0.49)分]、BRL评分[(5.41±0.67)分]、步频[(79.58±19.08)步/min]、步速[(56.97±19.08)cm/s]、步幅[(77.33±15.20)cm]、步行周期[(1.42±0.29)s]、双支撑相[(34.00±5.39)%]以及髋、膝、踝关节最大屈曲角度均显著优于对照组和支具组治疗后,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 功能性电刺激的同时行踝足矫形器步态训练可显著改善脑卒中后偏瘫患者的下肢运动和步行功能,增加其关节活动度。
      Objective To observe the effect of functional electrical stimulation (FES) combined with an ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) and gait training on lower limb motor function, gait parameters and the joint angles of hemiplegic stroke survivors. Methods Thirty-two stroke survivors who met the inclusion criteria were selected and randomly divided into a control group (n=10), an orthosis group (n=10), and a combination therapy group (n=12). In addition to routine medication and rehabilitation, the control group received only gait training, the orthosis group received gait training and an AFO and the combination therapy group was given FES, an AFO and gait training. All three groups were treated for four weeks. Then, the Fugl-Meyer lower extremity assessment (FMA-LE), the Brunnstrom lower extremity assessment (BRL), and Functional Ambulation Categories (FACs) were used to evaluate the lower limb motor function and walking ability of the three groups. The gait parameters of the three groups were quantified using a three-dimensional gait analyzer, and the changes in the hemiplegic gait before and after treatment were compared among the three groups. Results After the treatment the average FMA-LE, FAC and BRL scores, time-space parameters, and joint angle parameters of all three groups had all improved significantly. After the intervention the average indicators in the combined therapy group (including stride frequency, stride length and walking speed) were all significantly better than in the other two groups. Conclusions Adding FES to gait training with an AFO can effectively improve lower limb motor function and the walking ability of hemiplegic stroke survivors.
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